Ta’Corais Reviews The Roblox Blind Cube Box From Jazwares

Watch this short but fun video of T opening a Blind Roblox Box given to him by the Jazwares Booth at Toyfest West! https://youtu.be/W9G7K3DuZu8

Note From Mom: This child has been in love with Roblox for as long as I can remember. He would request us to go on hunts to Target and WalMart when he saw new ones were being released. This isn’t even all of them that he has lol. To say he is a fan would be an understatement. Thank You Jazwares for making his day! He immediately started switching hair pieces with another Roblox after we shut the camera off. We really enjoyed seeing all the Awesum new products at the Jazwares booth at Toyfest West 2018
